Title: 僕だけのマドンナ / Boku dake no Madonna
Title translated: You are my only Madonna
Aired: 2003-Jul-07 to 2003-Sep-15
Genre: Romance
Episodes: 11
- Takizawa Hideaki as Suzuki Kyouichi
- Hasegawa Kyoko as Kataoka Surumi
Kyoichi comes home from his part-time job as a night-time security guard. He returns to his room to find a girl sleeping on his bed-a girl he has never seen before. She looks a bit older than Kyoichi, and is quite beautiful. Kyoichi can't believe his eyes.
Kyoichi closes the door, and goes outside to the entrance of the apartment, to make sure he's in the right apartment and room. There's no mistake. He returns inside...but the girl is gone.There's nobody in his room. Was it just his imagination? Was he hallucinating? Kyoichi can't understand what just happened.
Later, he discovers that something is missing from his grocery bag-the Chinese noodles he was looking forward to eating are gone...
This is how Kyoichi first meets Surumi Kataoka. After they meet, Surumi continues living in Kyoichi's room.
She points to an apartment visible from Kyoichi's room, and says that the guy living there dumped her for another girl. Surumi says that she's waiting to check out the girl she was dumped for. Kyoichi doesn't know if he ought to believe her or not.
All Kyoichi knows is that while Surumi is such a charming girl, the expression on her face is sad at times.
Kyoichi is not that disappointed about sharing his room with a cute girl. He starts to think that this lifestyle may go on forever, until one day, Surumi suddenly disappears-just like the day she suddenly appeared. All she leaves for Kyoichi are unanswered questions.
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