Title: RHプラス / RH Plus
Aired: 2008-Jan-02 to 2008-Mar-26
Genre: Fantasy, Action
Episodes: 13
- Miura Yuu as Nogami Makoto
- Tochihara Rakuto as Seto Ageha
- Ojima Naoya as Tamura Masakazu
- Takano Hassei as Kiyoi
Thoughts: Drama wiki classified it as a horror genre. Whut? The only "horror" part I can think of is just that they are vampires. Other than that, I would rather think it a comedy instead. I was basically snickering from beginning to end. Not that the storyline is particularly funny... but the acting! Oh, the acting! Priceless. So awkward, so amateurish. PLEASE DO NOT WATCH. Unless you feel like a trip out from normal acting. Or your love for vampires is so overpoweringly strong.
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